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The Foundation of Practical Workflow Automation


Presented By: Thrio

Efforts to infuse customer care infrastructure with AI have largely failed on the promise to deliver 'digital transformation.'

According to Dan Miller, Lead Analyst and Founder, Opus Research, AI is not the panacea that some solution providers make it out to be. On its own, it does not drive efficiencies or increase customer satisfaction. Instead, companies that introduce AI-infused resources to their contact center discover a long road between implementation and seeing an actual, measurable ROI.

Native Process Automation to the rescue.

The cloud makes it possible to link multiple endpoints (agent desktops) to serve as an interface of applications, services and displays that propel them through their tasks. They gain access to the output from dozens of processes effortlessly and benefit from transparent, NPA that overlays existing call management and information management systems.

Today's providers make digital transformation sound so easy.  But efforts to infuse it to the customer care infrastructure with AI have issues with clarity, simplicity and precision. 

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