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Engagement Capacity Gap™: How Organizations Are Evolving to Address New Challenges in 2022

Verint® Systems

Presented By: Verint® Systems

Read our findings on changing consumer preferences, new workforce dynamics, and the five key challenges and opportunities we’ll face in 2022. 

In 2021, Verint introduced global research that explored how organizations were being challenged by new workforce dynamics, ever-expanding engagement channels and exponentially more consumer interactions – which must be managed with limited budget and resources, the Engagement Capacity Gap (ECG). As a result, organizations found it more difficult than ever to deliver the desired customer experience.

Hybrid and remote working, supply chain shortages, and now, the Great Resignation. It seems that constant change continues to be the status quo. To help you thrive despite the chaos, Verint has surveyed over 2,700 business leaders again from a variety of industries around the globe to learn how they’re adapting and what’s top of mind.  

Organizations must continue to take steps to close the Engagement Capacity Gap, and this report offers insights and actionable strategies to help you succeed. Access the full report here to read our findings on changing consumer preferences, new workforce dynamics, and the five key challenges and opportunities for 2022.

Listen to the discussion on the findings of the Engagement Capacity Gap.


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